Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Malaysia Headgear FDC

Malaysia FDC
Name: Royal Headgear
Date of Issue: 16 September 2008

The Royal Headdress or 'Tengkolok' is part of the ceremonial attire of the Malay Rulers. For centuries, Malay Rulers had been wearing headdress made of woven silk fabric that is shaped into different styles for a few hundred years as part of their regalia since the days of the Malay sultanate. This headdress is also called 'Destar' and the style of folding is called 'solek', The colours of the headdress varies from one state to another. There are various styles of folding, among which are: Anak Gajah Menyusu, Lang Menyusur Angin, Garam Sebuku (Getam Pekasam), Pucuk Pisang Patah, Ayam Patah Kepak and Dendam Tak Sudah.

Comment: The detail of 10 stamps are very long, so I haven't patient and time to type them this time. I hope you don't care about it. lol

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