India FDC
Name: Spices of India
Date of Issue: 29 April 2009
500: Black Pepper
500: Cinnamon
2000: Turmeric, Chilly, Coriander
500: Cardamom
500: Clove
Sunday, May 31, 2009
India Spices FDC
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/31/2009 09:18:00 PM
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Russia Weapon FDC
Russia FDC
Name: To the 65th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War - Victory Weapon
Date of Issue: 27 April 2009
7.00: Tokarev's self-loading rifle (SRТ-40), Simonov's automatic rifle (АRS-36)
Tokarev's self-loading rifle (SRТ-40). Rifle of 1938 year sample was modernized after the Soviet-Finnish war, what considerably simplified its manufacture. Its sniper variant on basis of SVТ-40 was developed for the purpose of unification of whole complex of small arms. During the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 SVТ became the important part of the Soviet shooting arms.
Simonov's automatic rifle (АRS-36). Initially АVS-36 reflected as self-loading rifle, but in course of development mode of automatic fire was added. It was the first serial automatic rifle in the USSR; it was used by Red Army men in the first months of the Great Patriotic War.
8.00: Nagan's revolver of 1895 year sample, Tokarev's pistol of 1933 year sample (TT-33)
Nagan's revolver of 1895 year sample. In the Soviet Army Nagan's revolver of 1895 year sample was applied basically for shooting on short distances (to 100). Revolver possessed excellent ballistic properties and was adopted with officer and sergeant's structure, generally in infantry and artillery units.
Tokarev's pistol of 1933 year sample (TT-33). In days of the Great Patriotic War the Red Army was armed with updating of Tokarev's pistol of 1933 year sample. Differing with design simplicity, high penetrative ability of bullet and sufficient accuracy, TT received wide circulation at the front, being adopted with officers and generals of almost every combat arm.
9.00: Sudaev's pistol-machine gun (PGS-43), Shpagin's pistol-machine gun (PGSh-41)
Sudaev's pistol-machine gun (PGS-43). Sudaev's pistol-machine gun of 1943 year sample was developed originally for needs of Leningrad front in beleaguered Leningrad. Simplicity of design, compactness, ease and reliability of pistol-machine gun allowed it to be considered by right as one of the best types of weapon of the Second World War.
Shpagin's pistol-machine gun (PGSh-41) . PPSh was created as replacement for Degtyaryov's pistol-machine gun when there was a necessity for the sample, close or surpassing it with tactical and technical characteristics, however simple in manufacture even at not profile enterprises. PPSh has been adopted in 1941, forestalling in competition Shpitalniy's pistol-machine gun.
10.00: Degtyaryov's manual machinegun (DM), Goryunov's easel machinegun (EG-43)
Degtyaryov's manual machinegun (DM). Degtyaryov's machinegun, one of the first samples of small arms, created in the USSR, was adopted in 1927. Model differed with simplicity of device, action reliability, shooting accuracy and high manoeuvrability. Before the termination of Second World War, DM was successfully used for fire support of infantry in platoon unit of Red Army.
Goryunov's easel machinegun (EG-43). In 1943 the Red Army adopted the simple, reliable and rather light easel machinegun, played a positive part in offensive operations in 1943-45. EG-43 was the first domestic infantry machinegun of calibre 7,62 with a metal cartridge belt.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/28/2009 03:56:00 AM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lithuania EUROPA FDC
Lithuania FDC
Name: EUROPA 2009 - Astronomy
Date of Issue: 25 April 2009
2.45Lt: Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642)
2.45Lt: The Astrophysical Investigations Were Initiated in Vilnius university Observatory in the Middle of the 19th C.
To commemorate 400 years of exploring the universe using astronomical telescopes, 2009 has been designated the International Year of Astronomy. Italian scientist Galileo Galilei was the first astronomer who turned the telescope to the sky in 1609. His astronomical observations and discoveries unleashed a scientific revolution that has virtually changed our perception of the universe and our place in it. 400 years later, astronomers explore celestial bodies with modern telescopes on Earth and in space in almost all wavelengths 24 hours per day.
Beginning of astrophysics, a branch of astronomy dealing with physical processes operating in stars and other celestial bodies is related to the development of photometric and spectroscopic techniques in the middle of the 19th century. Astronomers of Vilnius University Observatory were among the firsts who initiated astrophysical investigations at that time. Their research concentrated on the sun because of its brightness and its obvious importance to our lives. One of their main instruments used for systematic solar photography was G. M. Dallmeyer's photoheliograph.
2009 Astronomy:
Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia.
2008 Letter:
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Vatican.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/26/2009 10:29:00 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Estonia Parliament FDC
Estonia FDC
Name: The 90th Anniversary of Republic of Estonia Parliament, Riigikogu
Date of Issue: 23 April 2009
The Republic of Estonia was born on 24 February 1918 and the next year the people elected the forerunner of the country's parliament, the Constituent Assembly. The Constituent Assembly had its first session on April 23, the day on which the anniversary of the parliament is marked today. It laid a legal foundation to Estonian statehood. On May 1919 a declaration of Estonia's national independence was passed and on 15 June 1920 it endorsed the first Constitution of the Republic of Estonia. From 23 April 1919 to 20 December 1920 the Constituent Assembly held 170 sessions during five periods and passed more than 800 legal acts. The Constituent Assembly had unlimited authority; it appointed governments, received their resignations, endorsed the state budget and decided issues of war and peace. According to the Constitution of 1920 Estonia was a democratic parliamentary republic. Supreme power was vested in the people and it could exercise its will through parliamentary elections, referendums and the right of popular initiative. On 20 December 1920 the Constituent Assembly was dissolved and it passed on its credentials to the parliament, called Riigikogu (State Assembly).
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/24/2009 07:41:00 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
China Stamp: 2009-9
Name: Fenghuang Ancient City
Number: 2009-9
Date of Issue: 23 May 2009
Value: 3 stamps/set
1.20元 (3-1): North Gate
1.20元 (3-2): Rainbow Bridge
1.20元 (3-3): Old Street
Fenghuang City is located in the southwest of Hunan Province. It borders Luxi County in the east, Mayang County in the South, Songtao County of Tongren city in Guizhou province in the west and Jishou City and Huayuan County in the north, serving as the strategic gateway connecting Hunan and Guizhou provinces. In the 5th year of Xianqing under the reign of Emperor Gaozong in the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 660), Tian Zongxian the prefecture governor of Qianzhou sent his grandson Tian Yangming on a punitive expedition eastward to suppress the local ethnic groups. Tian Yangming initiated the Xidong (Xi Cave) Five Stockade Villages System ("Wuzhai") here and Tian Kechang, Tian Yangming's son was appointed by the imperial government as "Five-Cave Prefect" (called Wuzhai Prefect later) in Tuojiang Town where the ancient town now lies. More…
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/23/2009 11:05:00 PM
Israel Bird ATM FDC
Israel ATM FDC
Name: Birds of Prey - Lesser Kestrel
Date of Issue: 22 April 2009
The Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) is a small falcon. This species breeds from the Mediterranean across southern central Asia to China and Bangladesh. It is a summer migrant, wintering in Africa and Pakistan. It is rare north of its breeding range, and declining in its European range. The scientific name of this bird commemorates the German naturalist Johann Andreas Naumann. More…
Israel ATM FDCs - Birds of Prey Series
22/04/2009 Lesser Kestrel
30/06/2009 Short-toed Eagle
08/09/2009 Bonelli's Eagle
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/23/2009 10:36:00 PM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Israel Astronomy FDC
Israel FDC
Name: International Year of Astronomy
Date of Issue: 22 April 2009
The year 2009 has been designated by the International Astronomical Union and UNESCO as the International Year of Astronomy, marking the 400th anniversary of the invention of the astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei – the first person to turn a research telescope toward the sky, opening new horizons for scientists and expanding the boundaries of the known universe.
This stamp series displays three milestones in the field of astronomical measuring which greatly impact our understanding of the universe.
Jacob's Staff - Gersonides
The study and mapping of the heavens began before Galileo, with the Jewish people making a unique contribution in the form of "Jacob's Staff" – an ancient measurement tool for mapping stars, which was first described and in all likelihood invented by Gersonides (Rabbi Levi ben Gershon, France, 1288-1344). The staff was 1.4 meters long and notched with scale graduations along its length. Up to seven cross-pieces of varying lengths, called "transoms", slid up and down along the main piece. By aiming one end of the transom toward a star and sliding the transom along the notched main staff until its other end lined up with another star, one could measure the angular distance between those two stars.
Navigators also made use of Jacob's Staff to measure the altitude of the North Star above the horizon in order to determine their latitude.
Gravitational Lensing
Over the years, telescopes have become a powerful research tool, and the largest among them are equipped with concave mirrors measuring 8-10 meters in diameter. The larger the mirror, the more light it captures, allowing the measurement of fainter astronomical bodies. Mirrors measuring 40 meters in diameter and more are planned for the future. But the universe's largest telescopes are those that exist in nature. The way in which they work was discovered by the Jewish scientist Albert Einstein, one of the most significant scientists of all time.
One of his revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of physics is the General Theory of Relativity, dealing with space and time in nature. According to this theory, as light rays from a distant astronomical body pass by a massive object, the object's gravitational force affects their paths and they bend. Thus, a massive body that is positioned between an observer and a distant astronomical body acts as a lens – the distant body appears enlarged and may even be multiplied, as a number of images appear alongside the "lens". The phenomenon of light rays changing course due to gravitational force is called "Gravitational Lensing". Gravitational lenses may be created by regular stars or by more dense astronomical bodies such as black holes, by galaxies or even by clusters of galaxies. Nature's largest telescopes allow us to glimpse distant galaxies and perceive light that was emitted from them more than ten billion years ago. Today, the largest ground and space telescopes photograph images of extremely distant astronomical bodies after they have undergone gravitational lensing.
LISA – Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
In the future, new astronomical research fields involving the examination of radiation in spectral regions that have yet to be studied will develop. One example of this is gravitational radiation. Although its existence may be derived from Einstein's General Theory of Gravity, no one has been able to detect it as yet. The future LISA system, which will comprise three spacecraft arranged at the apices of an equilateral triangle and connected by laser beams, is currently being planned to detect and measure gravitational waves. Gravitational waves warp the space surrounding the spacecraft and as a result the spacecraft will move farther away from or closer toward each other. Each pair of spacecraft will be spaced five million kilometers apart. Any miniscule change of up to one millionth of a centimeter in the length of one of the sides of the huge triangle will be measured by the laser beams emanating from the spacecraft, revealing the existence of a gravitational wave.
Astrophysics research groups are active at most of Israel's universities. Tel-Aviv University operates a research observatory in Mitzpe Ramon and hundreds of astronomy enthusiasts, some of whom are members of the Israeli Astronomical Association, observe the skies through private telescopes and from the amateur observatories located throughout the country.
שח 2.30: Jacob's Staff – Gersonides – astronomy of the past.
The illustration demonstrates the use of Jacob's Staff in astronomy and navigation, by aiming the upper end of the transom to the sun or to a star and its lower end to the horizon.
שח 3.80: Gravitational Lensing – astronomy of the present.
The illustration demonstrates gravitational lensing against the Hubble space telescope. The mass of the galaxy opposite the telescope bends the space around it, diverting the paths of light rays coming from a quasar located far behind it (a huge black hole in the center of a galaxy that emits large amounts of energy), causing them to warp around the galaxy while creating images of the quasar on either side of the galaxy.
שח 8.50: LISA – the astronomy of the future.
The illustration demonstrates measuring gravity waves by using laser beams from the three satellites that comprise the LISA system. Gravity waves are emitted by the bending of space when two neutron stars orbit around each other as they approach merging.
Galileo Galilei's telescope appears on the tabs.
Tel-Aviv University's Florence and George Wise Observatory, located near Mitzpe Ramon, is depicted on the First Day Cover.
Comment: Because the high value of this set, my friend added 3 Sheqels to reach the 251g registered postage. Well done!!!
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/22/2009 09:05:00 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Israel Polish Year FDC
Israel FDC
Name: Polish Year in Israel (Israel - Poland Joint Issue)
Date of Issue: 22 April 2009
The history of Polish Jewry includes the splendid achievements of the Jewish culture that developed in Poland over centuries. Torah sages, rabbis and pious men created there. It was also where the Jewish national culture blossomed: in Yiddish and Hebrew literature, in the Jewish theater and cinema. Zionist political parties and youth movements were founded there and Jews were also among the noted creators of Polish literature and culture.
"Polish Year in Israel" began in April 2008, concurrently with a period marking Israeli culture in Poland. The Israel Philatelic Service is contributing to these events through a joint stamp issue with Poland dedicated to a special figure in the common history of Poland and Polish Jews.
Berek Joselewicz was a Jewish fighter who excelled in the Polish people's battles for national independence and is considered to be one of Poland's premier military heroes. Streets have been named after him in many Polish cities. Joselewicz was born in 1764 in the town Kretynga in Lithuania. He served as a trade agent for the local Bishop.
When an uprising led by Tadeusz Kościuszko against the Russian occupation broke out in Poland in 1794, Joselewicz established a cavalry battalion – the first Jewish military battalion since the Bar Kochva Revolt. The volunteer Jewish battalion bravely defended Warsaw against the Czar's Cossacks. Most of his soldiers fell in the course of these battles and Joselewicz himself was taken prisoner, but he managed to make a bold escape. Kościuszko, the beloved leader of the uprising, promoted him to the rank of colonel.
Following the suppression of the revolt, Joselewicz escaped to Italy, where he joined the Polish Legions, fighting alongside Napoleon's army in Italy and Austria. He excelled in the "Battle of the Three Emperors" at Austerlitz in 1805 and was subsequently awarded high military honors. He later commanded the Royal Polish Army's cavalry battalion.
The painting featured in the joint issue stamp was painted by Juliuz Kossak in 1893. It depicts Joselewicz astride his horse as he led his men into his last battle against the Austrian army in 1809, near the town of Kock (Kotzk). Joselewicz was buried on the battlefield where he fell and a monument honoring his memory was erected at his gravesite. Tales of his heroism are taught at Polish military academies to this day. In his eulogy for Joselewicz, Count Stanislaw Kostka Potocki said, "You were the first to exemplify the rejuvenation of your people's heroism and the image of those chivalrous men whose deaths were mourned by the daughters of Zion".
Joselewicz' son, Josef Berkowicz was also an excellent soldier, who served with his father in battle after the Kościuszko Uprising.
Berek Joselewicz is more than just a symbol of Jewish heroism in Polish history - he is also a symbol of the joint struggle of Poles and Jews on behalf of Polish freedom.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/21/2009 08:15:00 PM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
United Nations Insects FDC
United Nations FDC
Name: Endangered Species 2009
Date of Issue: 16 April 2009
These are the seventeenth set of stamps in UNPA's multi-year series "Endangered Species". The series was launched on 3 March 1993 to highlight the need for the protection of endangered species throughout the world. This year the series "Endangered Species" feature a variety of insects.
42c: Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator)
The emperor dragonfly is one of the largest European dragonflies, with a length of 8 cm and a wingspan of 11 cm. It is a spectacular sight, with broad wings and powerful flight.
After emerging from their larval stage, both sexes are pale green with brownish markings. The legs are brown, becoming yellowish towards the base; the wings have black veins, and take on a yellowish-brown tinge with age.
Males develop a bright blue abdomen with a black fish-bone line passing down the centre; the thorax and head are green, and the prominent eyes are blue.
Females have similar markings to males, but are mainly green in colour, becoming brownish on the last few segments of the abdomen.
This dragonfly has a broad global distribution; it is found in Europe from Portugal to Germany in the north, and extends eastwards to Central Asia. It is also known in North Africa and the Middle East.
The species breeds in a range of aquatic habitats, including large ponds, canals, slow-flowing rivers, lakes and flooded gravel pits, but in all cases there must be a plentiful supply of marginal vegetation that emerges from the water.
Many dragonflies are vulnerable to water pollution and loss of habitat by infilling of ponds and drainage of water bodies.
42c: Southern Wood Ant (Formica rufa)
The southern wood ant is commonly found throughout southern England in both coniferous and broad leaf broken woodland and parkland. They are the largest native ant species of the Brit ish isles, measuring 8-10 mm in length,
and they all are generally reddish in colour.
Nests of these ants are large, conspicuous, dome-shaped edifices, usually situated in woodland clearings, where the sun's rays can reach them. A single colony can consist of more than 250,000 individual workers, which aggressively defend the territory.
A common diet for a wood ant colony is invertebrates found around the nest, particularly aphids harvested from the surrounding trees, although they are also voracious scavengers.
Studies of the southern wood ant have shown that around 60,000 food items are taken to the nest each day.
Although the reasons for the decline are not fully understood, it is thought that loss of woodland habitat and unsuitable management practices leading to overgrowth of sunny areas, as well as disturbance by humans and livestock, may be involved.
42c: Rosalia Longicorn (Rosalia alpina)
The rosalia longicorn is one of the most striking and elegant of all beetles, with its beautiful steely blue-grey colouration and
large, dominating black spots. The extremely long antennae on the front of the head are also adorned with groups of black hairs, which contrast dramatically with the blue-sky colour of the bare parts, appearing as alternating bands of black and blue. Males can be distinguished from females by their longer antennae, which can greatly exceed the length of the body.
The species is wide-ranging, from Northern Africa, across Europe and the Middle East to the Russian Federation. It lives in deciduous forests where there is a reasonable amount of sunlight exposure. Larvae develop in dead, decaying, relatively dry wood, or on living trees in wounds and abrasions. Although adults are capable of flight, they are often content to simply remain on or near the tree trunks in which they developed as larvae.
The rosalia longicorn is largely threatened by habitat loss and destruction due to changes in methods of forest maintenance and felled wood processing. Trees are being cut down and harvested for timber and firewood before they reach a suitable age to be able to support developing larvae, and dead wood is being rapidly removed to facilitate "reforestation". The rosalia longicorn also suffers from collection from the wild for commercial trade, with its distinctive pattern and bright colour making it attractive to collectors.
42c: Apollo Butterfly (Parnassius apollo)
The Apollo is a beautiful white butterfly, decorated with large black spots on the forewings and red eyespots on the hindwings. These striking red eyespots can vary in size and form depending on where the butterfly comes from. The bright red colour often fades in the sun, causing the eyespots of older individuals to appear more orange. The wings are shiny, with slightly transparent edges.
The Apollo butterfly is found throughout Europe and into Central Asia. It inhabits mountain meadows and pastures, up to 2,000 metres above sea level, where there are plenty of nectarproviding flowers.
The beautiful Apollo butterfly has long been prized by collectors, who aim to possess as many of the variants as possible. Over-collecting is believed to have caused populations to decline in some areas, such as in Spain and Italy, but habitat change is thought to be a far more significant threat to the survival of this species. Climate change and acid rain have also been implicated in its decline.
Laws exist to protect the Apollo butterfly in many countries. It is also listed in CITES Appendix II, which restricts trade in this species.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/20/2009 08:22:00 PM
United Nations
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Belarus FDC
Name: EUROPA 2009 - Astronomy
Date of Issue: 15 April 2009
1000: Ancient astronomy
1000: Modern astronomy
2009 Astronomy:
Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia.
2008 Letter:
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Vatican.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/19/2009 08:17:00 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
Taiwan Flower ATM FDCs
Taiwan ATM FDCs
Name: Flower of Tung Oil Tree (Red)
Date of Issue: 15 April 2008 (Black Ribbon), 18 April 2008 (Green Ribbon)
Vernicia fordii (Tung Tree; syn. Aleurites fordii Hemsl.) is a species of Vernicia in the spurge family, native to southern China, Burma, and northern Vietnam. Other vernacular names include Tung Oil Tree, Tung-oil Tree, Tungoil Tree, China Wood-Oil Tree, Kalo Nut Tree, 油桐 (lit. oil tung) being the formal name in Chinese.
It is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree growing to 20 m tall, with a spreading crown. The bark is smooth and thin, and bleeds latex if cut. The leaves are alternate, simple, 4.5–25 cm long and 3.5–22 cm broad, heart-shaped or with three shallow, maple-like lobes, green above and below, red conspicuous glands at the base of the leaf, and with a 5.5–26 cm long petiole. The flowers are 2.5–3.5 cm diameter, with five pale pink to purple petals with streaks of darker red or purple in the throat; it is monoecious with individual flowers either male or female, but produced together in the inflorescences. The flowers appear before or with the leaves in loose, terminal clusters. The fruit is a hard, woody pear-shaped drupe 4–6 cm long and 3–5 cm diameter, containing four or five large, oily seeds; it is green initially, becoming dull brown when ripe in autumn. More...
Comment: Do you know why do I post 2 FDCs in this article?
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/18/2009 08:22:00 PM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Estonia National Museum FDC
Estonia FDC
Name: Centenary of the Estonian National Museum
Date of Issue: 14 April 2009
The history of the Estonian National Museum is the story of the self-awareness and self-assertion of the people, which has many characters but only one central figure – the people. It is a museum built, supported, protected, and its collections carried together by the people. Wider interest in the informed collection, preservation and study of the spiritual and material culture on the initiative of the native intelligentsia led to the establishment of the Estonian National Museum on 14 April 1909. During its hundred-year existence the museum has relentlessly been doing its daily work, keeping and protecting the cultural history trusted to it – even through several wars and periods of occupation. The rich material, photography and art collections and an archive of cultural history materials – a total of more than one million units, is open to the public. The mission of the museum today is to link generations, people and interest groups living in Estonia and to contribute to the preservation of Estonian identity and ethnic peculiarity.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/16/2009 08:46:00 PM
Friday, May 15, 2009
Taiwan Chiang Ching-kuo S/S FDCs
Taiwan Souvenir Sheet FDCs
Name: 100th Birthday of Late President Chiang Ching-kuo
Date of Issue: 13 April 2008
Number: Com. 313
Former ROC President Chiang Ching-kuo was born on the 18th day of the third lunar month in 1910 in Fenghua County of Chekiang Province, and he died on January 13, 1988. April 13, 2009 is his 100th birthday.
Chiang Ching-kuo served as chairman of the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen, minister of national defense, vice-premier, premier, and president of the ROC (for the sixth and seventh terms of that office). He launched the Ten Major Construction Projects and the Twelve New Development Projects, which promoted the nation's economic prosperity and created the world famous "Taiwan experience." He undertook political reforms, lifted martial law and bans on the creation of new newspapers and political parties, laying down a solid foundation for a democratic Taiwan. Under his leadership, people were allowed to visit their relatives in mainland China. That decision marked a new page in the history of relations between Taiwan and mainland China. The people of Taiwan revered and loved Chiang Ching-kuo because of his devotion to the nation.
Comment: Two Taiwanese friends sent 2 FDCs to me from different post office. The first one was sent from "大溪" Post Office, because Chiang Ching-kuo's mausoleum is located in Dasi Town, Taoyuan County. The second one was sent from "新竹經國路" Post Office, nothing special but the name of the post office, "經國" Ching-kuo.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/15/2009 09:25:00 PM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Taiwan Chiang Ching-kuo FDCs
Taiwan FDCs
Name: 100th Birthday of Late President Chiang Ching-kuo
Date of Issue: 13 April 2008
Number: Com. 313
Former ROC President Chiang Ching-kuo was born on the 18th day of the third lunar month in 1910 in Fenghua County of Chekiang Province, and he died on January 13, 1988. April 13, 2009 is his 100th birthday.
Chiang Ching-kuo served as chairman of the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen, minister of national defense, vice-premier, premier, and president of the ROC (for the sixth and seventh terms of that office). He launched the Ten Major Construction Projects and the Twelve New Development Projects, which promoted the nation's economic prosperity and created the world famous "Taiwan experience." He undertook political reforms, lifted martial law and bans on the creation of new newspapers and political parties, laying down a solid foundation for a democratic Taiwan. Under his leadership, people were allowed to visit their relatives in mainland China. That decision marked a new page in the history of relations between Taiwan and mainland China. The people of Taiwan revered and loved Chiang Ching-kuo because of his devotion to the nation.
Comment: Two Taiwanese friends sent 2 FDCs to me from different post office. The first one was sent from "大溪" Post Office, because Chiang Ching-kuo's mausoleum is located in Dasi Town, Taoyuan County. The second one was sent from "新竹經國路" Post Office, nothing special but the name of the post office, "經國" Ching-kuo.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/14/2009 09:06:00 PM
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Lithuania Vilnius FDC
Lithuania FDC
Name: Vilnius - European Capital of Culture
Date of Issue: 11 April 2009
2,15 Lt: Monument to Gediminas and Gediminas' Tower
Dozens of European cities have participated in the project European Capital of Culture launched in 1985 under the initiative of the European Commission. For 2009, the title of the European Capital of Culture has been awarded to Vilnius, the capital of the Republic of Lithuania, celebrating the Millennium Anniversary of the country's name.
Vilnius, one of the most beautiful capitals of European countries, has wonderful examples of architecture from the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism periods. Its Old Town, one of the largest urbanistic complexes in Eastern Europe, the origins of which are going back as far as the Middle Ages, was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/13/2009 10:23:00 PM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Indonesia World Stamp Exhibition FDC
Indonesia FDC
Name: China 2009 World Stamp Exhibition
Date of Issue: 10 April 2009
China 2009 World Stamp Exhibition is organized under the patronage of FIP and the auspices of FIAP to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China as well as to promote the exchange of world philatelic culture and to enhance the friendship and cooperation between China and other countries and regions.
This international event is held in Luoyang, in Henan Province of central China. With total area of 15,208 ㎞² and population of 6.5 million, Luoyang is not only a famous ancient capital and a historical city promulgated among the first group by the State Council of China, but also a key industrial city with outstanding industrial advantage and technological strength.
The exhibition logo is composed of the image of the Old City Tower of Luoyang, the Tree Peony, flying pigeons, stamp, the Earth and characters of "China 2009". the seven flying pigeons vividly depict a blossoming peony and spread to the whole world the message of Luoyang's China 2009 World Stamp Exhibition. The pigeons also embody peace and development. The Old City Tower and the Tree Peony highlight the long history, brilliant culture and regional characteristics of the hosting city of Luoyang. The gradually changing blue color symbolizes the harmonious future.
The mascot "the Tree Peony Messenger" selects the Tree Peony as the major image of the city flower of Luoyang. The Tree Peony Messenger holds the China 2009 printed stamp. She enthusiastically welcomes the foreign and domestic guests to China 2009 World Stamp Exhibition.
Design of commemorating souvenir sheet issued in Indonesia depicts the White Horse Temple as one of famous heritages in Luoyang and oxen as mark of the event lasted in the Year of Ox in Chinese Lunar Calendar.
China 2009 World Stamp Exhibition:
China Stamps, Souvenir Sheet, Sheetlet II
Hong Kong FDCs
Indonesia FDC
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/12/2009 10:01:00 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
Algeria Elections FDC
Algeria FDC
Name: Presidential Elections
Date of Issue: 09 April 2009
Algeria provides, once again, the proof of the establishment of a democratic era of prosperity and peace. After the consolidation of the institutional building and the rehabilitation of the role of elected bodies in the national development process, here come a new phase that stake this presidential election symbol of both continuity and sustainability of the State and the Republic and the principle of alternation in power through the expression of popular will.
This election is also the result of the achievements of its predecessors, which could establish a credible way, guarantees fairness and transparency, and freedom of expression and participation of all the sensitivities represented in the society. This has allowed, yet this time, applications in number and quality that reflect a wide partisan adherence to the conditions of preparation and conduct of this election.
The election campaign lasted 19 days, during which six candidates were able to present their programs and highlighted differences in their respective approaches, leaving the popular will and to speak only by way of ballot boxes, the track and the voice of the majority decides, irrevocably and sovereign, which will be for five successive years, the President of the nation from 1 November 1954.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/11/2009 09:24:00 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hong Kong World Stamp Exhibition FDCs
Hong Kong FDCs
Name: Hongkong Post's Participation in CHINA 2009 World Stamp Exhibition
Date of Issue: 07 April 2009
A special stamp sheetlet is issued to commemorate Hongkong Post's participation in CHINA 2009 World Stamp Exhibition to be held in Luoyang City, Henan Province, China from 10 to 16 April 2009. Under the patronage of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP) and the auspices of the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP), the Exhibition will be staged in the new hall of the Luoyang Museum. This is the second such mega event hosted by China for philatelists abroad and at home.
CHINA 2009 World Stamp Exhibition, presented in commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, aims to foster closer ties and co-operation among philatelists and stamp collectors worldwide, and promote philately as a universally enjoyable hobby. The Exhibition will enrich the culture of philately across the nation with local stamp enthusiasts taking part in this international philatelic activity. The event also offers Hongkong Post an excellent chance to showcase quality stamps from Hong Kong to stamp lovers in the Mainland and around the globe.
The colourful stamp sheetlet vividly captures the artistic images of the peony (the city flower of Luoyang) and the bauhinia (the city flower of Hong Kong). Shades of pink and white highlight the elegance of the peony in full bloom against layers of petals in brilliant hues of tangerine and crimson. The bauhinia flowers in white surrounding the peony in the stamp symbolise Hongkong Post's participation in this important event.
China 2009 World Stamp Exhibition:
China Stamps, Souvenir Sheet, Sheetlet II
Hong Kong FDCs
Indonesia FDC
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/10/2009 08:55:00 PM
Hong Kong
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Taiwan Underground FDC
Taiwan FDC
Name: Kaohsiung MRT
Date of Issue: 07 April 2008
Number: Sp. 530
NT$5.00: Central Park Station (中央公園站)
This underground station comprises two levels, and the station's architecture blends into the landscape of adjacent Central Park. A gigantic canopy-like roof, which resembles a flying leaf, was constructed to cover the entrance. Conveying the design concept of "to soar," it demonstrates a robust and constant vitality.
NT$25.00: World Games Station (世運站)
Inspired by the special physical environment of Kaohsiung and meant to show the special characteristics of a harbor city, the central design concept of this elevated station focuses on sailing, and the station building resembles a ship, befitting a major center of international shipping.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/07/2009 08:51:00 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Thailand Heritage M/S FDC
Thailand Minisheet FDC
Name: Thai Heritage Conservation Day 2009
Date of Issue: 02 April 2009
Number: 868
Purpose: To commemorate Thai Heritage Conservation Day 2009 and to enhance public awareness of the importance and value of national arts.
Designs: Stone castle or "Prasat Hin", which is counted as a religious sanctuary, generally features the main castle as the most important part where the most-revered icon is situated. This part is deemed the center area of all and standing on the lift-up floor, representing the center of the cosmos.
3 บาท BAHT: Prasat Ta Muean, Surin Province
3 บาท BAHT: Prasat Ta Muean Thom, Surin Province
3 บาท BAHT: Prasat Ta Muean Tot, Surin Province
3 บาท BAHT: Prasat Sadok Kok Thom, Sa Kaeo Province
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/06/2009 08:39:00 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Thailand Heritage FDC
Thailand FDC
Name: Thai Heritage Conservation Day 2009
Date of Issue: 02 April 2009
Number: 868
Purpose: To commemorate Thai Heritage Conservation Day 2009 and to enhance public awareness of the importance and value of national arts.
Designs: Stone castle or "Prasat Hin", which is counted as a religious sanctuary, generally features the main castle as the most important part where the most-revered icon is situated. This part is deemed the center area of all and standing on the lift-up floor, representing the center of the cosmos.
3 บาท BAHT: Prasat Ta Muean, Surin Province
3 บาท BAHT: Prasat Ta Muean Thom, Surin Province
3 บาท BAHT: Prasat Ta Muean Tot, Surin Province
3 บาท BAHT: Prasat Sadok Kok Thom, Sa Kaeo Province
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/05/2009 08:29:00 PM
Monday, May 4, 2009
Spain Fauna FDC
Spain FDC
Name: Flora and Fauna
Date of Issue: 01 April 2009
The Capercaillie or Wood Grouse (Tetrao urogallus), is a bird from the family of the Tetraonidae and the order of the Galliformes. It is one the largest members of the grouse family, reaching over 1 meter in length for the males and 0.70 cm the females. Both have feathers under their beaks resembling a beard and a bright red spot of naked skin above each eye and fanned tail feathers. They breed in old coniferous forests with a rich interior structure and dense ground vegetation under a light canopy. In Spain they can be found in the Cantabria region and the Pyrenees. They are an endangered species whose courting season goes from March to mid May. During this period they gurgle and wheeze to attract the hens and begin copulation. Hens lay from five to twelve eggs in a hole on the ground providing an easy target for predators such as boars, dogs and weasels hence only a few chicks reach the adult age and thus the population decline.
Comment: I'm not good at Spanish philatelic activity. I guess it has only one city or post office that uses the special cancellation on issue day.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/04/2009 08:18:00 PM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Russia Gogol M/S FDC
Russia Minisheet FDC
Name: The 200th Anniversary of Birth of Nikolai Gogol
Date of Issue: 01 April 2009
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (Russian: Никола́й Васи́льевич Го́голь, Nikolaj Vasil'evič Gogol'; Ukrainian: Мико́ла Васи́льович Го́голь, Mykola Vasylovych Hohol) (31 March [O.S. 19 March] 1809, – 4 March [O.S. 21 February] 1852) was a Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist. His early works, such as Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka, were heavily influenced by his Ukrainian upbringing and identity. More...
6.00: The Government Inspector
The Government Inspector, also known as The Inspector General (Russian: Ревизор or Revizor or in German Der Revisor), is a satirical play by the Russian playwright and novelist Nikolai Gogol, published in 1836 and revised for the 1842 edition. Based upon an anecdote allegedly recounted to Gogol by Pushkin, the play is a comedy of errors, portraying human greed, stupidity, and the deep corruption of powers in Tsarist Russia. More...
7.00: Dead Souls
Dead Souls (Russian language: Мёртвые души) by Nikolai Gogol was first published in 1842, and is one of the most prominent works of 19th-century Russian literature. Gogol himself saw it as an "epic poem in prose", and within the book as a "novel in verse". Despite supposedly completing the trilogy's second part, Gogol destroyed it shortly before his death. Although the novel ends in mid-sentence (like Sterne's Sentimental Journey), it is usually regarded as complete in the extant form. More...
8.00: The Overcoat
"The Overcoat" (Russian: Шинель, Shinel; sometimes translated as "The Cloak") is the title of a short story by Ukrainian-born Russian author Nikolai Gogol, published in 1842. The story and its author have had great influence on Russian literature, thus spawning Fyodor Dostoevsky's famous quote: "We all come out from Gogol's 'Overcoat'." The story has been adapted into a variety of stage and film interpretations. More...
9.00: Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba is a romanticized short historical novel by Nikolai Gogol. It tells the story of an old Zaporozhian Cossack, Taras Bulba, and his two sons, Andriy and Ostap. Taras’ sons studied at the Kyiv Academy and return home. The three men set out on a journey to Zaporizhian Sich located in Ukraine, where they join other Cossacks and go to war against the Polish nobles. More...
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/03/2009 09:54:00 PM
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Russia Gogol S/S FDC
Russia Souvenir Sheet FDC
Name: The 200th Anniversary of Birth of Nikolai Gogol
Date of Issue: 01 April 2009
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (Russian: Никола́й Васи́льевич Го́голь, Nikolaj Vasil'evič Gogol'; Ukrainian: Мико́ла Васи́льович Го́голь, Mykola Vasylovych Hohol) (31 March [O.S. 19 March] 1809, – 4 March [O.S. 21 February] 1852) was a Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist. His early works, such as Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka, were heavily influenced by his Ukrainian upbringing and identity. More...
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/02/2009 09:59:00 PM
Friday, May 1, 2009
Poland Easter FDC
Poland FDC
Name: Easter
Date of Issue: 01 April 2009
New Postage Stamps and First Day Cover
As every year, Poczta Polska joins in the celebrations of the Feast of the Resurrection, that is Easter, by preparing occasional postage stamps for its customers. This time the emphasis is on the spiritual meaning of Easter, which is why the stamps feature religious elements. Out of the four major motives of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ, that is the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, the Removal from the Cross and Entombment and, lastly, the Resurrection, Poczta Polska presents the final two. It is worth noting that Poczta Polska, by displaying the excellent works of a presently lesser known Polish painter Szymon Czechowicz, promotes the native arts. The stamps feature the works entitled "Entombment" ("Złożenie do grobu", 1747) and "Christ Resurrected" ("Chrystus Zmartwychwstały, 1758), both of which belong to the collections of the National Museum in Kraków. In iconography the latter one is also known as "Resurrected Christ appears before the apostles" ("Chrystus ukazujący się apostołom po zmartwychwstaniu"). The purple and blue colour scheme of the FDC symbolises Christ's transition from death (purple is recognised by the church as the colour of mourning) to eternal life in heaven. The FDC is accompanied by an occasional date stamp, in use in the Warsaw 1 Post Office.
The painter Szymon Czechowicz
Szymon Czechowicz (1689-1775) was born in Kraków, and he died in Warsaw. At first he was educated in the estate of Franciszek Maksymilian Ossoliński, and afterwards (around 1711) he left for Rome where he stayed until 1730. During his stay in the Eternal City he studied at the famous Saint Lucas Academy under the tuition of Benedetto Lutti. It is there that his first achievement was born when he was awarded for his drawings entitled "Samson tears a lion apart" ("Samson rozdzierający lwa") and "The victorious return" ("Zwycięski powrót z wyprawy"), kept in the archives of the school until today. Following his return to Poland he settled in Warsaw and took up painting religious works and portraits, in which he soon excelled. He also established a school for painters in the city. In 1972, that is Prior to his departure from Rome, he had painted the works entitled "Removal from the cross", "The vision of saint Anthony," and "The Holy Mother guarding Kraków" for the church of the Scholarum Piarum order in Kraków, and also one entitled "The Assumption" for the cathedral church in the town of Kielce - all of which soon earned him the reputation of a talented painter of religious motives. Additionally, he also became famous for his portraits, and not much later such prominent figures as high ranking church officials and famous laymen, including the bishop of Kraków Jan Aleksander Lipski, the great chancellor of Lithuania Jan Fryderyk Sapieha, and the Voivode of Sandomierz Jan Tarło, commissioned him to paint their portraits and religious works. Grand Crown hetman Jan Klemens Branicki ordered as many as seven paintings for the parish church in Tykocin and two for the church in Tyczyn, and the grand Crown hetman Wacław Rzewuski placed a commission for paintings for the castle chapel and the castle building in Podhorce. Had it not been for his apprentices, working under the strict supervision of the master, Szymon Czechowcz would never have been able to fulfil so many orders.
Not only painting
The theme of Easter has appeared in all possible forms of art including various genres of music. In fact, the very first Polish song is one dedicated to Easter. "Christ has resurrected" ("Chrystus zmartwychwstan jest"), sang in churches until this very day, is also the oldest poetic work of art ever recorded in our native tongue. Świętosław of Wilków included one of its stanzas in his Graduał* for the Płock cathedral church (presently missing). By studying the song's individual linguistic forms, the researches of language have concluded that it's actually even older - some believe that as much as two centuries! The lyrics which we know today were written later, however. Just think - we can relate to the legacy of our ancestors by cultivating our native faith and spiritual tradition.
Krystus zmartwychwstał je,
Ludu przykład dał je,
Eż nam z martwych wstaci,
Z Bogiem krolowaci. Kyrie [eleison]
*graduał - here it means a book of Gregorian chant including liturgical songs for the entire church year.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/01/2009 09:17:00 PM
China Sheetlet: 2009-8
China Sheetlet II
Name: China & World Expo
Number: 2009-8
Date of Issue: 01 May 2009
Value: 8 stamps/sheet
1.20元 (4-1): China at Earlier Expos
1.20元 (4-2): China at Recent Expos
1.20元 (4-3): 1999 World Horticultural Expo Kunming
1.20元 (4-4): World Expo 2010 Shanghai
China's association with World Expo can be traced back to 1851, when Chinese products were displayed and won prizes at the first World Expo. After that, China attended the Expo events by sending governmental officials and businessmen delegations, entering products for exhibition, and in other forms. In 1982, New China for the first time participated in the Energy Expo World's Fair, held in Knowxille. In all the Expo events that followed, China exhibited its time-honored traditional culture and remarkable achievements made in the fields of economy, science and technology. The China Pavilions were cited as "Five-Star Exhibition Hall" and "Best Foreign Exhibition Hall" at the World Expos in 1988, 1992 and 1993.
After New China was founded in 1949, especially since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, along with the enhancement of the overall national strength as a result of rapid economic development and social progress, China has established and maintained a closer relationship with the global event. In 1999, China successfully hosted the World Horticultural Expo in Kunming, which won acclaim worldwide and helped elevate the national image and the country's international standing. The World Expo 2010 would be the first comprehensive world exposition to be hosted by China. Themed on "Better City, Better Life," and devoted to exploring a better city life for human beings, the Expo 2010 will undoubtedly stage a wonderful dialogue among different human civilizations for history.
Posted by Fan Ming at 5/01/2009 04:45:00 PM